AFU Archives for
UFO Research (Sweden & Scandinavia)
APRO Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization – Publication “The APRO Bulletin”
ATIC Aerospace
Technical Intelligence Center
BJ British
Unidentified Flying Objects Research Association Journal
BUFORA British UFO Research
Association. Publication “BUFORA Journal and Bulletin”
CISU Centro Italiano
Studi Ufologici
CNES National Center
Space Studies. (France)(Centre National des Ètudes Spatiales
C.O.D.O.V.N.I. Argentine UFO organization.
Comisión Observadora De Objetos Voladores No
CUFOS Center for UFO
CUFON Computer UFO
Discos Voadores Journal of SBEDV
FACH Chilean Air Force
FS Flying
Saucers, UFO Reports, by Dell Publishing Co., NY, N.Y.
FSR Flying Saucer
FS (RP) Flying Saucers
(published by Ray Palmer)
GEPA Groupement
d’Étude des Phenomenes Aeriens, (Group for the Study of Airborne
Phenomena, Paris, France.
GEPAN Study Group for
Unidentified Air Phenomena (Groupe d’Étude de Phenomènes
ICUFON Intercontinental UFO
Research & Analytic Network
IUR International
UFO Reporter. Journal of CUFOS – Center for UFO Studies
LDLN Lumières Dans La
Nuit - French Journal
MUFON Mutual UFO Network
– Publication is “The MUFON Journal”
NICAP National
Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena
Spatiaux “Space Phenomena”
Publication of GEPA
S Saga’s UFO Report magazine (New
SBEDV Brasileirade
Estudos de Discos Voadores
SEPRA Societé pour
l’Èvaluation des Phenomènes des Retour Atmospherique
SOBEPS Belgian
Society for the Study of Space Phenomena. (Societé
Belgique des Études des
phenomès Spatiales)
Space View Published in New Zealand
UFO Investigator The journal of NICAP